Bankrupt? maybe a bit too strong

HDP dropped a bomb yesterday morning, stating that Zero Gravity Cornhole is going bankrupt. Albeit, maybe bankrupt was too harsh of a word, but at the very least they are in obvious serious financial distress….time will tell just where they stand. Let’s not over look the “according to multiple sources,” so I don’t believe Sean pulled this out of his ass to “stir the pot.” I am sure their former “sponsored” players are inundated with messages and questions, so don’t be one of those people.

So many people commenting about an over saturated bag market, bag makers needing to extend their services, etc.

Consider for a moment the new ACL Bag Policy that everyone is up in arms about. “$20K for a pro stamped bag! That’s extortion!” But is it? As talked about a couple weeks ago, how many manufacturers need the pro stamp versus just want it? How many of us average joes need to throw pro stamped bags? I believe that answer is zero, because only pros are required to throw pro stamped bags. Doesn’t that $20K ACL fee help prevent the saturation of the bag market? For $5000 anyone can get a comp stamp on their bags. If $5000 is too much, then maybe they aren’t terrific bags to begin with?

Any time there is growth, there is pain. Many of us have been around long enough to see the exponential growth of this game we love and have been subject to the growing pains. As cornhole continues to grow as a sport, and the ACL as the predominant leader in the sport, you can either chose to go with it or stay in the back yard.

I for one am enjoying watching the growth.

Be on the lookout for an exclusive interview with former ZGC team members……


What I learned at a National Tournament


Beyond the Odds