Palms sweaty, knees weak…

 Put a finger down if you have ever felt like your body forgot what it was supposed to be

doing mid game?

 Put a finger down if you have started to sweat and become clammy?

 Put a finger down if all you wanted to do was run and hide or make everything stop?

 Put a finger down if you had a beer and then noticed you were either super tired or

super edgy?

Have you ever had a time when you went to throw and your hand wouldn’t let go of the bag?  Or maybe all of a sudden, you’re throwing with all kinds of craziness just to get the bag to the board?  This is what anxiety and panic can do to cornhole players. According to an article from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Tach-Psych effect is when you are placed in a situation of stress, duress or heightened anxiety and your physiological systems and psychological functioning are significantly impacted in a predictable manner and will prove debilitating to the point of your not being able to think clearly or function effectively. As we go into the week of Worlds, there are a few things to keep in mind for those who struggle with panic attacks, anxiety and just overall brain fuckery (sorry mom).

 If you had told me 2 years ago that this was a thing, I would have told you, you’re crazy!  Nothing can make someone forget something they have been doing routinely!  WRONG!  It can happen and I’ll be the first to admit I have had an anxiety attack mid tournament and literally forgot how to hold or even throw a bag.  People watched and became concerned when they noticed something was wrong.  After experiencing this I spent some time looking into what methods are out there that work to help get yourself out of these attacks.

Grounding:  This is exactly what it sounds like.  Take your shoes off if you need to but feel the ground you’re standing on so your body knows you’re ok and you don’t need to feel unsafe.  Sometimes people will go outside even so they can sit on the concrete because the texture can help as well. It can help to have music playing or think of a time when you were safe and weren’t stressed out to help process.  You can be mindful of your breaths, but remember someone telling you to just “snap out of it” will only make the situation worse. 

Blood sugar spikes:  It is a fact that having a blood sugar spike or detox can affect your mood.  A  study, published in 2017,  reported that sugar intakes and detoxes can have an effect on mental health which can send your body into overload.  You may feel sweaty, clammy, irritable or have a flood of thoughts which in the end will trigger those panic attacks we’re talking about.  Do yourself a favor, try not to add anything extra from what you’re used to when entering a stressful arena.  If this occurs, water will be your best friend along with the next couple of tips. 

Going back to “basics”:  This doesn’t mean what most of you think, but it does have to do with throwing.  A backstory… one time at the Takeover in Las Vegas I was having an anxiety attack and as I went to the back corner away from everyone a well-known pro was laying on the ground.  He looked up and asked if “it was happening”.  I shook my head yes and he said I can tell; your eyes are huge.  He said, “stand here and throw into that corner, don’t think about what you’re doing, just throw”.  After about 10 minutes of this I noticed my body starting to come back into itself and the weirdness I was having slowly dissipated.  He said no one knows but that is why I’m over here, I have anxiety too, but I hide it really well. I thanked him for sharing the tip and he went on his way.  Doing something mindless is a great help for those who tend to hyper focus and begin to panic when they can’t find a way out of the situation they are in, no matter if it’s down the rabbit hole of despair and negative self-talk OR the physical crazy coming on strong.

Headphones/Quietness: This is a hot topic in some leagues as some view it as disrespectful to wear two earbuds or headphones…. I personally wear one.  There are some of us who need music as a noise distraction but there are others who it would drive them crazy.  To each their own, but please make sure you are doing what YOU feel is comfortable.  No one should ever judge or ridicule those who take the steps to ensure their needs are met. So, if music calms your storm…do it.  If you need to have silence, find it.

I’ll leave you with just a few things to consider:

  • Minimize changes in your “game day routine” that can cause stress.  

  • Get the same coffee, energy drink, beer or shot to start the day as you always do when playing. If you need a code word for alcohol consumption to calm down, we call it “Meditation”. Come find me, we will do “Meditation” sessions together! 

  • Double check your bag for chargers, money and other necessary items.  Thanks to a few cornhole players needing things on the fly I have odd items like sharpies, nail clippers, crazy sharp scissors, super glue and gum. 

I can’t wait to see you all at Worlds, and should you have any anxiety issues while there… come find me! I’ll be the one with the bright ass jersey that says Sassy!


opponent’s head: Living Rent Free


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