Would you swipe right?

For a while now there’s been a topic that most have shied away from talking about. Maybe it’s because it’s looked at as creepy or judgmental if a member of the opposite talks about the physical attributes of another or because it might be presented in a way that is superficial and shallow. Well, I’m here to tell you, while it’s completely uncomfortable… it’s super fun to ask people to pretend they’re in the early 2000’s when hot or not came about and ask who they would swipe right on. 

I spent the better part of a week at ACL Worlds asking Pros and other players just where they stood in the swiping realm if they could swipe on any Pro of their choosing. The results were fascinating. Keep reading to find out what they said! 

I polled 28 different male Pros and 137 male non Pros with the results being the following:

Kamryn Belvin earning the top votes with statements used to describe her like “she’s just so pretty, seems simple and not overly made up”.

I can second this, she seems very “girl next door”, and doesn’t require a lot to make her happy. 

Cheyenne Renner came in a close second with descriptors like “she’s like the whole deal, cute, throws like a beast and seems sweet and shy”.

And third was Kaylee Hunter. She was mostly favored by non pros and said she looked “relatable”. I’m still unsure what that means but feel free to leave a comment with your interpretation!

Overall, Charlene Simmons was popular in the best sass category. Many players remarked on her Latin fire that makes her super attractive. Lori Dool was remarked as having the best smile and hair! Samantha Finley and Whitney Martinez tied for the most wanted co-ed partner because of their enthusiasm and focus.

 What I found incredibly puzzling was the mens hesitation to even add a tally on my notebook! Most of them asked if it was anonymous, if I would tell on them or if their names were tied to their votes. I would laugh and reassure them that not only was it anonymous but I would probably forget who picked who. Side note… I didn’t! But I just want to add I take bribes 🤷🏻‍♀️💰.

As far as the men’s category. This is where it gets rough. Pro women weighing in on Pro men was like pulling teeth. Maybe it’s because they just aren’t each other’s types or maybe they know too much about each other to find them attractive but the top 3 of this category was decided by 10 female pros and 43 non pro ladies.

A fun fact… I added a pole in the Addicted to Cornhole group and 95 votes were completed…80% of them were men DESPITE the first word saying.. Ladies! Guys.. do better! Not everything in cornhole is about you or maybe y’all have man crushes.

Devon Harbaugh and Ryan Smith were the top 2 with Mark Richards bringing up 3rd. Ryan was noted as being “fun, and mostly nice”. Devon had the most common comment of “ohhh yeah! Definitely Devon!” I’ll let you use your imagination for those swipes!

And last but certainly not least is Mark Richards. While he came in 3rd most ladies reported him being “handsome, with a take him home to your daddy kinda vibe”. 

I think it’s pretty clear that we need more women to weigh in on the male players and maybe more personality types would help narrow the gigantic field as well but I think we can agree on one thing… Jimmy Youmans is adorable! I overheard his nickname is Muscles which I think is amazing!

I’m pretty torn in this area because I haven’t spent enough time on the other side of the country to know just what personalities are like;

However! The dudes from the PNW will always have my heart, like Dean Norton, Justin Carpenter, and Justin Raich

As for ladies, I think those who choose leggings wear them well and I have personally witnessed many heads be turned by Samantha Finley and Miranda Coy when sporting those leggings! I do want to add that majority of men asked if they were swiping on looks or personality. It appears that the tell tale thought is true… what’s on the inside really does count and when you have such a narrow field for female cornhole Pros it becomes a major factor. 

All in all, thank you so much to those of you who humored me while I waited impatiently for your answers, it was greatly appreciated! I can’t wait for next years awkward questions! Feel free to drop any comments about the votes and who you would have swiped right on!

Till next time!



So What did we miss?


Mark Richards: The King of Cornhole?